Laboratory and Field Based Fitness Tests

7 Components of Fitness

  • Flexibility
  • Strength 
  • Aerobic Endurance 
  • Speed 
  • Power
  • Muscular Endurance 
  • Body Composition 


Flexibility is the ability of your joints to move through a full range of motion. Having flexibility in your muscles allows for more movement around the joints.
Flexibility exercises the muscles to help stretch them. It protects against injury and allows the maximum range of movement around the joints. This is why when you are exercising you will be more able to do the exercises without feeling your muscles tightening up because you would’ve exercised properly. If you haven’t exercised properly then you are only putting yourself at risk of injury.
Flexibility is the amount of movement that you body can do around the joints and this is vital. the way to do a flexibility test is to do a sit and reach test and your arms should go over your legs if you have a good fitness level. 
  • Advantages - The advantages of the flexibility for the flexibility are things like the cost because it is cheap for a ruler to see how much over your hands go past the bottom of your feet. Also it will give you a target to get to showing you if you are behind. you do not need much equipment at all to do a sit and reach. just yourself and a partner to do the measuring.
  • Disadvantages - If someone has an injury that is preventing them from doing the test then they are not going to be able to see how good their flexibility. If they do the test and don't realise how bad the injury is it could make it worse. 


Strength is known as having the ability to generate a force at a given velocity of movement. the more strength you have the higher this will be. An example of this would be weight lifting the more strength you have then the higher mass you can lift. as you start to do more weights your strength will increase because of muscle hypertrophy. this is where your muscles tear during the process of doing exercise that work on strength and then in t eh recovery stage they will grow back and be bigger and stronger than the last time. Strength is also one of the seven components of fitness. when doing such exercise you call it contraction and this happens because one set of muscles are contracting while the other is relaxing. it happens very quickly.

  • Advantage - An advantage of doing a strength test which is most likely going to be how high the mass is that you can lift up. this will give you a target of how much you should be able to lift up with in the next couple of weeks of training.
  • Disadvantage - A disadvantage to this is that you may lift up to much of a heavy weight and give yourself and injury unintentionally. You also may already have an injury in that part of the body that you are going to test for your strength and wont be able to do the test. you will either have to buy the weights yourself or go to a gym which will cost money. You may not have the time to go out to gym.


Speed in fitness is how fast someone is. Speed is the quickness of a limb.
“whether this is the legs of a runner or the arm of the shot putter.”
Speed is measured in distance/time. Speed is involved in all humans and animals on the way they move
Depending on what animal you are you have a different ability to reach different potentials
“Speed is an integral part of every sport and can be expressed as any one of, or combination of, the following: maximum speed, elastic strength (power) and speed endurance.”

  • Advantages - For a speed test you could do 100m and time it to see how fast you were running at miles per hour by doing the simple equation of distance divided by time. It will give and idea of the speed regardless of your reaction time because you start running when you're ready. 
  • Disadvantage - If someone is not so good at running it will be a longer process to develop them into getting better and it could also mean developing a new technique which is all time consuming which they may not have time for.

Muscular Endurance

Muscular Endurance is all about ones ability to perform activities involving the use of your muscles for a period of time. Things like cycling, sit up tests (to see how long you last for and the quantity you do) and step training. Muscular endurance is improved by the length of time a muscle is spent contracting.
If your muscular endurance  is low then and your muscular strength is also low the affect of this is having a lot of pain. The pain can lead to a bad posture that the body had before, muscle pains, joint pains and finally musculoskeletal problems. A good training method of doing this is circuit training because it will work your muscles noon stop improving your stamina levels and will tear your muscles more so that when they recover they will get bigger and stronger and will be able to do more next time you work out. 

  • Advantage - An advantage to this type of training is that you can do it with simple drills and you don’t exactly need a gym to do so. you can do things such as press ups, sit-ups, lifting free weights. Boxing and bench drops. these basic things do not require any machines from the gym and they all help just as much as the gyms machines would. this is cheap also.
  • Disadvantage - A disadvantage to this training is that you may need some space to do this and have all the correct equipment even though it isn't a lot. you may need to change it to interval training because as a beginner it is hard to do a lot of drills non stop for a certain period of time.


Power is something that is quite time consuming to improve because it requires large short bursts of energy to do things. the sportsman’s that need this the most in my opinion are probably boxers because they require this to be the at a high level so that they can knock out there opponent but there is also a lot of other skills required by the boxer other than just boxing. Doing power training will enable you to improve your maximal strength that is given off in short periods of times. A training method that can increase your power is resistance training. Resistance training comes in many different forms but all have the same purpose. such as working on the legs when running with a little parachute that has wind resistance. Another example is lifting up a very high weight but doing 1 rep max. 

  • Advantage - An advantage to this is that they are basic exercises that are going to improve your power as long as you do this in each workout. There are a lot of simple routines that you can go through you can go at your own pace to develop it.
  • Disadvantage - With power training if you don't have enough energy to produce in short spaces of time then doing this type of training is difficult and you will then have to work on building up your energy levels to do so which is time consuming. Some equipment for power training isn’t easy to get hold of such as the small parachute on your back to improve the power in your legs.

Aerobic Endurance

Aerobic exercise is physical exercise of relatively low intensity that depends primarily on the aerobic energy-generating process. Aerobic literally means "living in air" and refers to the use of oxygen to adequately meet energy demands during exercise via aerobic metabolism. sAerobic endurance is based on good stamina levels. You need to be able to last long at low intensity levels when doing an aerobic exercise. An example of training for this is jogging on the treadmill or doing a mini cross country. you can run at your own pace but if you want to push yourself then you can go faster. It uses up a lot of oxygen. 

  • Advantage - An advantage for this is that you are not being put under a lot of pressure where you have to do it with in a time limit and its low intensity. also you do not need any major equipment apart from running shoes and clothes to run in which means it is money saving. 
  • Disadvantage - Because there are no time limits and its low intensity levels unless the person is motivated and wanting to work hard to improve their aerobic endurance then developing them will be a very slow process. If the person isn't very fit then  


Body Composition

Body composition is really about your type and build as well as your body shape, for example in rugby you will need a bulky body. you will need this because it is a rough sport and you need a good amount of weight on you as well as muscle because you need to make tackles in the sport and be harder to take out. There are three types and they are:
  • Endomorph - An endomorphic individual typically has short arms and legs and a large amount of mass on their frame. Their mass hampers their ability to compete in sports requiring high levels of agility or speed and perform sustained weight bearing aerobic activities such as running.
  • Mesomorph - A mesomorphic individual excels in strength, agility, and speed. Their medium structure and height, along with their tendency to gain muscle and strength easily makes them a strong candidate for a top athlete in any sport.
  • Ectomorph - A predominantly ectomorphic individual is long, slender and thin, and therefore power and strength sports are perhaps not suitable as their slight build leaves them susceptible to injuries. While they can easily get lean and hard, their lack of musculature severely limits their chances in sports requiring mass.