Health Screening Monitoring Form

In this assignment I am going to be talking about health screening questionnaires, client consultation, questioning and non verbal communication. I am going to say why it is important to be used. People such as Doctors and personal trainers will use these methods to find out information on their client. They will then use things such as the heart rate test, blood pressure, lung function and waist to hip ratio to get background information on their client finding out a bit of scientific information on them which will be important. I am also going to describe the conversation i had with the two clients. Then I am also going to suggest to them the things that they can do to improve their lifestyle. 

What are Health Screening Questionnaires

A health screening questionnaire is a consultation form that has been filled out with the required information. It involves a lot of information about their background and scientific background. it contains things such as general information which contains their personal details like their house number,name address and emergency contact information. It'll then also have information on their medical history including previous injuries and medication (if they take it). It will give you all the information you need to go on and do the fitness training that you need to do. You will know the problems that may restrict them from doing some of the exercises so then you will have to work around these obstacles. It gives you near enough to everything you need to know about them including their diet. how often they already exercise. are they trying to get pregnant (if a female).You need to have a health screening questionnaire containing all the important information also for legal reasons, information such as medical history is needed because if the person has a serious case of asthma then you can not over work them since they wont be able to cope.

Client Consultation FormYou need the client consultation form so that you can use this questionnaire to give to your client to fill out. giving them this form to fill out will give you all the information you need to know about them. You must have this form before proceeding to do anything else physical with your client. The client consultation form wouldn't already be filled out because you haven't given it to your client yet.

Client Consultation form A

General Background 
Clients name: Nino Majewski
Height(Cm): 186
Weight(Kg): 86
Address: 32 Wychwood Way SE19 1HR
D.O.B.: 29/03/1995
Home Tel no. 020866704518
GP Name: Paxton Greene
Mobile Tel no. 07948474231

GP NO.02081235678
 Email Address:

Additional Information :
What type of diet do you have : Balanced
Occupation: Unemployed (Student)
Do you smoke: No
How much water do you drink a day : 0-1Litre
What is your sleep patter like: Structured
Have you had a personal trainer before: No
Is there anything you cant do in the gym: No

What is your aim to get out of this: Increased muscle strength and size
Do you drink over the amount of allowed units of alcohol in a week: No
Do you take drugs that aren't prescribed: No

Stress level: 1      2       3       4       5      6      7       8       9       10
                        Low                       Medium                                 High

Medical information:

Have you had any injury’s in the past or do you have any injuries: Ligament damage in the knee

Explanation: It is not too bad i am still able to take part in activities.

What is your Health Condition like: Good

Are you currently taking any medications: No

Skin conditions:
Have you had any operations: No

Does your family take any medicine for any particular reasons: No

What is your blood pressure like: Fine

Are you pregnant: No

Are you trying to conceive: No

Physical examination: Nino

Height(Cm): 186

Body fat: 10%
Heart rate: 59

Blood pressure: 156 SYS / 89 DIA

BMI: Normal 

Lung volume: 16 BPM

Waist to hip ratio: 84cm

Declaration of Trust

I Nino Majewski have understood the treatment that i will receive and the information that i have given about myself is correct. I am aware that all the information is to be kept confidential and therefore private as i am not allowed to give out this information unless i have been given written permission to do otherwise. I hereby indemnify the personal trainer against any adverse reaction sustained as a result of the treatment.

Your Signature: N.Majewski

Date: 1/2/12

Personal Trainer:

Date: 1/2/12

Consultation form Client B
General Background
Clients name: Antonio Brown
Height: 6ft1
Weight: 65.5 kg
Address: 114 Huber Grove Stockwell SW9 9PD
DOB: 27/02/1995
Home Tel no: 0207 679 9761
GP name. Dr Cullen
Mobile Tel no: 07931694820
GP no. 02074116866
Occupation: Student

Medical information and emergency contact info:

Relationship with emergency contact: Father

Emergency contact name: Delroy
Emergency contact no. 07956939618

Any injury’s or bad diseases in the past: Swine flu
Skin conditions: None

Have you visited any doctors recently: No

Pregnancy’s: None
Have you had any operations: On the chin and had to get it stitched up

Additional Information :
What type of diet do you have : Balanced
Do you exercise regularly: Sometimes
Do you smoke: No
How much water do you drink a day : 2 Liters
What is your sleep patter like: Structured
Have you had a personal trainer before: No
Is there anything you cant do in the gym: No


What is your aim to get out of this: Build muscle
Do you drink over the amount of allowed units of alcohol in a week: No
Do you take drugs that aren't prescribed: No

Stress level: 1      2       3       4       5      6      7       8       9       10
                        Low                       Medium                    High

Physical examination: Antonio

Height (Cm) : 6ft1
Weight(KG) : 145
BMI : 19.1
Blood Pressure: 155/77
Lung Volume : 21 bpm
Body fat percentage : 6.1%
Heart rate: 69

Declaration of Trust

I Antonio Brown have understood the treatment that i will receive and the information that i have given about myself is correct. I am aware that all the information is to be kept confidential and therefore private as i am not allowed to give out this information unless i have been given written permission to do otherwise. I hereby indemnify the personal trainer against any adverse reaction sustained as a result of the treatment.

Your Signature: A.Brown.

Date: 1/2/12

Personal Trainer:

Date: 1/2/12

Client A and B comparisons

The Strengths of client A : He has recovered fully from his injury showing that his body is strong or it shows that the injury that he had got wasn't that bad. His health condition he says is good. his skin condition is good. he has no other unknown pains in his body which shows good signs of health. He also doesn't take medication which will mean that he wont have any side affects that may affect his workout sessions such as drowsiness of hyperactive behaviour. He hasn't had any operations which shows that his body is in good order/shape. Nino's blood pressure is also at the right level. He has a balanced diet and a structured sleep patter which is good because it tells me that he gets enough sleep. He doesn't take drugs nor does he drink.

The Strengths of client B: Antonio has goo skin condition as well as no unknown pains and doesn't take medication which also alike to Nino means that he doesn't have side affects that could affect him. Antonio has had an operation which was on his chin but does not affect any of his workouts since he will not be using his chin. He drinks the required amounts of water daily which is good and his stress levels are in the middle. he can do everything in the gym which means i have no restrictions on using everything to help achieve his target.

The Weaknesses of Client A: Nino doesn't have much weaknesses apart from one that concerns me. He says that he has made a full recovery from his knee injury but i think that injury could come back and cause problems. this is not a problem because i am simply going to work slowly on that area and not over do it. he has above the half way mark for stress levels and he doesn't know why. I think i shall consider referring him to a doctor. Nino doesn't have the daily amounts of water that he should have which means he can become dehydrated and get tired quicker.

The Weaknesses of Client B: Antonio's weaknesses were his diet being unbalanced which suggests that to me that he is not eating a balanced diet and putting his heart under more pressure to work harder than it should have to. this also means that when he does his workouts he won't be working to the best of his ability. his sleeping patters are messy which suggests to me that he doesn't always get a good amount of sleep and can possibly be tired when he does things which wouldn't be good for the workout sessions.he has medium amount of stress levels and blames it on the amount of coursework he gets. This may also mean that his time is of the essences and may not always be able to stay throughout my sessions or even turn up because he is getting a lot of coursework. He may also be de-motivated from this. He also doesn't exercise regularly which suggests that his fitness levels aren't that good.


Between Nino and Antonio, Nino is the fitter and shows this to be because he has a better diet and exercises more regularly. Nino shows that he is more active so he will be easier to work with when doing workouts. Antonio I think will come across stressed and not motivated to do work. He doesn't get enough sleep and he also has an above average amount of stress.

Lifestyle Changes

Client A - For Nino I would suggest to him that he should drink more water so his blood will become  more pure and therefore better for him. Nino should try and use more time up on things he likes doing which he said was skating when he was filling out the questionnaire forms. I would say he should do this more often to reduce stress levels, his are quite high since he has no idea of why he is stressed. Also I would suggest that he should do the things that please him which is skating. if he can spend more time on his hobbies then it will be better for him. I think his stress levels will decrease once he is doing the things he likes.

Client B - Antonio needs to exercise more and make sure he keeps to stretching. he needs to make sure his body doesn't stiffen up. I would suggest that he starts eating the right foods such as having his five a day. It's good that he has the daily required amount of water to intake. I also think that with his stress levels he should get help on how to use his time efficiently. He needs to balance his work as well as being able to sleep at the same time and do exercise. In general I think that he needs to become more active. I would first make sure that he starts to rise up his stamina by doing some cardiovascular training.


When your client is filling out your consultation form you want to ask them questions outside of the form so you should be engaging in a conversation. You want to develop a good relationship with your client. Questionnaires such as "what are your hobbies" and were you "participating in exercise regularly before you came here". Your questions don't have to relate to the actual reason why they're there. You want to try and comfort your client so that they feel comfortable in your presence especially since they are going to be in your presence for some time because you will be helping them improve. also when questioning you will be able to see their attitude towards you.

Non Verbal Communication

Non verbal communication in this type of situation is all about the body language of the person and they're reactions to things without actually saying anything, because it is non verbal. when they're filling out the form you will be able to see if they're happy with it,  bored of it or angry with it amongst other things. You will then have the opportunity to see what the situation is all about, the body language of the person and they're reactions to things without actually saying anything will show this, because it is non verbal. when they're filling out the form you will be able to see if they're happy with it, bored of it or angry with it amongst other things. you will then have the opportunity to take a note of their reactions to some of the questions. you can see from this if you need to make improvements on your consultation form by making it more entertaining that just straight up questions because some people can find that extremely boring. Some questions may a but to personal such as if you are trying to conceive because then the person may feel a bit embarrassed. Actions can speak louder than words. Body language is something that can show give you more information than words can do because it is a natural, unconscious language that broadcasts our true feelings and intentions in any given moment, and clues us in to the feelings and intentions of those around us.

My Two Individuals 

The two people that have done my consultation form is Antonio and Nino. they are quite different to each other as they both have different body builds and reacted to my consultation form differently. Nino is more active and exercises more often than Antonio who comes across as a bit lazy because he doesn't do much. Nino also seems to be a bit more motivated to come here.

Health Monitoring Tests

The tests that i took on both Antonio and Nino were the same to be fair and get a set of results back where i can compare and contrast the differences between them.

Heart Rate

This is how many beats your heart has per minute. during the process of your heart beating oxygen along with other gas substances are taking in. An example is that if you are doing exercise then your heart rate will start increase because your body needs more oxygen to be inhaled because you are breathing more. In this section I will be talking about the two people that I have to deal with. The average resting heart rate in adults is 60-90 bpm. Athletes have a resting heart rate below 60bpm, the resting heart rate below 40bpm are not heard of. you can use a heart rate monitor to see what the heart rate is like.

Blood Pressure

The blood pressure is depending on your diet and how much you exercise generally. Your blood pressure is the pressure exerted by circulation blood upon the calls of the blood vessels, you could measure your blood pressure by buying a blood pressure monitor. With this monitor you will put it around your arm and as your blood pressure is being tested it will tighten up. I am also going to be comparing the blood pressure results of the two people.

Lung Volume

Your lung volume is the amount of air that enters your lungs and how much air you can produce in one breath is how it is tested. Although when you are testing lung volume you must take into consideration the age,height,gender and weight of the person. these all can change the results. Things like smoking and drinking a lot of alcohol too. The lung volume test may not show some of the problems that you have. Doing this test allows the doctors to see the the strength of your breathing muscles and by doing this they will also be able to see if the client has asthma or not. 

Waist-to-hip ratio 

The waist to hip ratio lets you see your average for your age when compared to them. The waist to hip ratio is measured simply. you need little equipment. the main equipment is to have a tape measure and someone to measure you. you have to make sure that the tape measure is straight around the hips and waist. Doing this test can also show if their is a risk of coronary heart disease.
In the link below is how to take your waist to hip ratio.